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On 12 January 2015 at 21:05, Tom Sutcliffe <> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Thought I'd share some memory usage numbers from my tests of 5.3.0 (rc4)
> compared to 5.2.3. This is running on an ARMv7-M CPU (THUMB2 instruction set
> with 96KB RAM) in a highly custom environment. Lua is configured with 32-bit
> integers and no floating point (on 5.2, lua_Number is 32-bit 'long', on 5.3
> both types of number are 32-bit 'long'),

> Module int64: 1176 (688)
> Module int64: 1240 (708)

Random question, I might be asking something completely silly, but I
got curious so here it goes:

I notice a module called int64, so you seem to need both 32 and 64 bit
ints. Is it possible to configure Lua 5.3 so that "integer" is 32-bit
ints and "number" is 64-bit int? If so, could this be a saving
compared to using an int64 module? (I suppose your int64 module does
only the set of 64-bit operations you really need.)

-- Hisham