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Hi all,

some times ago I have published on the web the Lua Graphics toolkit

a Lua module for creating plots and animations with a simple
interface. It is actually a spin off of the graphical system used for
GSL Shell. I took the time to make the required changes so that it can
be used as a standalone Lua module.

With the first release the graphics toolkit was available only for
LuaJIT but now I've removed the requirement on LuaJIT so that it can
works also with standard Lua, or at least with version 5.1.

The basic instructions to test it are:
- modify the LUA variable in src/makeconfig to choose lua5.1 or luajit
- build with "make"
- build a debian package with "make debian" and install it.

The documentation is available here:

Someone is helping me creating a rockspec but for the moment this is not ready.

Probably there are some things to fix but the module is functional and
may be some people could be interested in it. Contributions for testing and
porting vs Lua 5.2 or even 5.3 will be welcome.

Best regards,