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It was thus said that the Great Thiago L. once stated:
> Hi! Is there any way to have Lua 5.1 (actually LuaJIT) and Lua 5.2 
> (LuaJIT doesn't support _ENV) on the same program?

  I just realized that this question can be interpreted in two ways:

	1. Can I have a Lua interpreter that includes both LuaJit and Lua

	2. Can I write Lua code that runs under LuaJIT and Lua 5.2?

  The answers so far have been for #1, but for #2, it gets a bit klunky,

	if _VERSION == "Lua 5.1" then
		if _G.jit then
			-- do LuaJIT specific code
			-- do Lua 5.1 specific code
	elseif _VERSION == "Lua 5.2" then
		-- do Lua 5.2 specific code
		-- do Lua 5.3 specific code
