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Don't ask me why, but a finger-slip by Sean manages to rouse me from my
lurker status [my self-control is poor this afternoon, perhaps...]:

Sean Conner <> wrote:

> Take a look at package.loaded.  Not only does it contain a reference to
> package, but it also contains a reference to _G.

>  -spc (Recusion:  see recursion)

My dictionary states:

   "Recusant: n. & adj: n.: a person who refuses submission to an authority
    or compliance to a regulation, esp. Brit. hist. one who refused to
    attend services of the Church of England.  adj: of or being a recusant.
    [ORIGIN: Latin recusare 'refuse'.]"

Sorry for the noise, I'll recuse myself from this thread at once... and go
back to the Lua scripts that I'm currently working on.

-- behoffski