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To avoid problems with NUL-bytes when reading lines, Lua 5.3-beta reads single bytes in a loop instead of using `fgets` like previous Lua versions did. For better performance Lua uses unlocked I/O when available (i.e. on POSIX machines, though MS Windows has a similar API: `_lock_file`, `_unlock_file`, and `_getc_nolock`). I found the following piece of code in `liolib.c`:

    luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
    while ((c = l_getc(f)) != EOF && c != '\n')
      luaL_addchar(&b, c);

The problem I see here is that `luaL_addchar` could `longjmp` out of the loop when memory allocation fails without unlocking the file object. One solution to this specific problem would be to read into a character array on the C stack and unlock the file stream before doing a `luaL_addlstring`. Or you could rely on the implementation of `luaL_Buffer`s, and unlock the file just before the buffer has to grow.

Anyway, something like this can also happen with other temporary resources like memory buffers, temporary files, etc., and the usual approach I use is to allocate a userdata (with a suitable `__gc` method), and let the GC do the cleanup if the function exits with a `longjmp`. Obviously that doesn't work well with locks or other resources that need immediate cleanup. C++ has RAII for this, so I was wondering whether it makes sense to add functions for automatic resource cleanup to the Lua C API. The way I imagine it, Lua would store an extra function pointer and a `void` pointer for every call to a `lua_CFunction`, and call those stored function pointers (up to the next `setjmp`) in reverse order before doing a `longjmp` in case of an error.

The API could be something like:

    lua_setdestructor(lua_State*, void (*destructor)(void*), void*);
    lua_rundestructor(lua_State*); /* calls and unsets destructor */

And the snippet from `liolib.c` would look like:

    luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
    lua_setdestructor(L, fileunlock, f);
    while ((c = l_getc(f)) != EOF && c != '\n')
      luaL_addchar(&b, c);


    static void fileunlock(void *ud) {

What do you guys think?
