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Lua bindings for POSIX (including curses)

I am happy to announce release 33.0.0 of luaposix.

luaposix's home page is at

This release is large enough to qualify as a rewrite to all intents and
purposes - curses is properly integrated; the posix API implementations
have been minimised and reorganised into submodules according to the
POSIX header file that declares them; the Spec coverage is an order of
magnitude better; the LDocs have been redone, and on and on.

With this fresh start I'm adopting semantic versioning from here on out,
with a plan to stick with 33 major for the forseeable future. I won't
move to major 34 unless I break backwards compatibility, or undertake
another rewrite... backwards compatible future releases will bump the
second number, and fixes will bump the final number only.

Maintaining backwards compatibility with v32 was an important goal for
this release, even though many of the uglier and inconsistent APIs have
been deprecated and are no longer documented.  If you have code that
used to work with the last release, but not this one, please report it

Except: If you use luaposix by copying the posix.c source file into your
own project, it's a feature that you now have to concatenate the source
files you plan to use into your own custom posix.c (the distributed
posix.c simply #include's every submodule), and then open each of the
submodule libraries separately - I'll be happy to apply a patch that
automates the process and/or generates a catch all `luaopen_posix_c`
function that opens included submodules automatically.

* Noteworthy changes in release 33.0.0 (2014-11-04) [stable]

** New features:

 - The curses library is fully integrated into luaposix, including reasonably
   comprehensive LDoc documentation (certainly much better than the single
   wooly web-page in previous releases).  For backwards compatibility, all
   APIs are re-exported from the `curses` module.

 - Most constants available through luaposix are now listed in the LDocs of
   the submodule that defines them.

 - For backwards compatibility, everything is still lumped together in the
   `posix.???` namespace, but, now raw APIs have been reorganised according to
   the POSIX header files they belong to:

      local posix  = require "posix"
      local fcntl  = require "posix.fcntl"
      local unistd = require "posix.unistd"

      local fd = ("x",
         bit32.bor (posix.O_WRONLY, posix.O_CREAT), "u=rw")
      unistd.write (fd, "Hello, World!
      unistd.close (fd)

   This makes the documentation easier to navigate, and for a better mapping
   between luaposix APIs and the C functions they wrap, so translating from
   C is now easier than ever.

 - Each of the newly separated submodules is self-contained, and can be copied
   to another project for compiling and/or loading in a custom Lua runtime. If
   you want to make use of this, in addition to the source for the modules you
   copy, you'll also need at least the files `ext/posix/_helpers.c` and
   `ext/include/lua52compat.c`, and also `ext/include/strlcat.c` for one or
   two of them.

 - Where submodule calls return a table representation of a similar C struct
   from a POSIX API, the Lua return tables have an appropriate `_type` field
   metatable entry compatible with lua-stdlib `std.object.type`.

 - `posix.signal.signal` now accepts the constants `posix.signal.SIG_DFL` or
   `posix.signal.SIG_IGN` in place of the strings "SIG_DFL" and "SIG_IGN".

 - The submodule bindings `posix.time.gmtime`, `posix.time.localtime`,
   `posix.time.mktime`, `posix.time.strftime` and `posix.time.strptime` now
   accept or create PosixTm tables with 1-to-1 field name mappings with the
   POSIX `struct tm`.  The old APIs with custom field names is still available
   as `posix.gmtime`, `posix.localtime`, `posix.mktime`, `posix.strftime` and

 - Similarly, `posix.time.nanosleep` now takes and returns a PosixTimespec
   table.  The old API is still available as `posix.nanosleep`.

 - Where supported by the underlying system, `posix.time.clock_getres` and
   `posix.time.clock_gettime` now require a constant inte argument (newly
   defined in the `posix.time` submodule), and returns a PosixTimespec table.
   The old APIs are still available as `posix.clock_getres` and

 - Add `posix.unistd.gethostid`. The old `posix.hostid` API is still available
   as an alias.

 - Add group APIs from grp.h: `posix.grp.endgrent`, `posix.grp.getgrent`,
   `posix.grp.getgrgid`, `posix.grp.getgrnam` and `posix.grp.setgrent`.
   Consequently, `posix.getgroup` is now reimplemented in Lua over the POSIX

 - `posix.getgroup` defaults to current effective group when called with no
   arguments, for consistency with `posix.getpasswd` API.

 - Add pwd APIs from pwd.h: `posix.pwd.endpwent`, `posix.grp.getpwent`,
   `posix.pwd.getpwnam`, `posix.pwd.getpwuid` and `posix.pwd.setpwent`.
   Consequently, `posix.getpasswd` is now reimplemented in Lua over the POSIX

 - Add missing constants from sys/resource.h:
   `posix.sys.resource.RLIM_INFINITY`, `posix.sys.resource.RLIM_SAVED_CUR`,
   `posix.sys.resource.RLIM_SAVED_MAX`, `posix.sys.resource.RLIMIT_CORE`,
   `posix.sys.resource.RLIMIT_CPU`, `posix.sys.resource.RLIMIT_DATA`,
   `posix.sys.resource.RLIMIT_FSIZE`, `posix.sys.resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE`,
   `posix.sys.resource.RLIMIT_STACK`, `posix.sys.resource.RLIMIT_AS`.

 - Add missing APIs from unistd.h: `posix.unistd.getegid`,
   `posix.unistd.geteuid`, `posix.unistd.getgid`, `posix.unistd.getuid`,
   `posix.unistd.getpgrp`, `posix.unistd.getpid`, `posix.unistd.getppid`.
   Consequently, `posix.getpid` is now reimplemented in Lua over the POSIX

 - Add missing constants from signal.h; `posix.signal.SIG_DFL` and

 - Add missing APIs from sys/stat.h: `posix.sys.stat.S_ISBLK`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_ISCHR`, `posix.sys.stat.S_ISDIR`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_ISFIFO`, `posix.sys.stat.S_ISLNK`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_ISREG`, `posix.sys.stat.S_ISSOCK`.

 - Add missing constants from sys/stat.h: `posix.sys.stat.S_IFMT`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_IFBLK`, `posix.sys.stat.S_IFCHR`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_IFDIR`, `posix.sys.stat.S_IFIFO`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_IFLNK`, `posix.sys.stat.S_IFREG`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_IRWXU`, `posix.sys.stat.S_IRUSR`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_IWUSR`, `posix.sys.stat.S_IXUSR`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_IRWXG`, `posix.sys.stat.S_IRGRP`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_IWGRP`, `posix.sys.stat.S_IXGRP`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_IRWXO`, `posix.sys.stat.S_IROTH`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_IWOTH`, `posix.sys.stat.S_IXOTH`,
   `posix.sys.stat.S_ISGID`, `posix.sys.stat.S_ISUID`.

 - Add missing constants from syslog.h: `posix.syslog.LOG_CONS`,
   `posix.syslog.LOG_NDELAY` and `posix.syslog.LOG_PID`.

 - Add missing API from syslog.h: `posix.syslog.LOG_MASK`.  Use this to
   convert syslog priority constants into mask bits suitable for bitwise
   ORing as the argument to `posix.syslog.setlogmask`.

 - Add missing constants from time.h: `posix.time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC`,
   `posix.time.CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID`, `posix.time.CLOCK_REALTIME` and

 - New `posix.unistd.exec` and `posix.unistd.execp` require a table of
   arguments, with [0] defaulting to the command name.  The old string
   tuple passing API is still available as `posix.exec` and `posix.execp`.

 - `posix.util.openpty` has moved to `posix.openpty`.  The old API is still
   available as an alias.

 - All posix APIs now fully and correctly diagnose extraneous and wrong
   type arguments with an error.

 - Add `posix.IPC_NOWAIT`, `posix.MSG_EXCEPT` and `posix.MSG_NOERROR`
   constants for message queues.

 - Add `posix.IPPROTO_UDP` for socket programming.

 - Add `posix.AI_NUMERICSERV` for posix.getaddrinfo hints flags.

 - Add `posix.WUNTRACED` for posix.wait flags.

 - Add `curses.A_COLOR` (where supported by the underlying curses library) for
   extracting color pair assignments from the results of `curses.window.winch`.

 - Add missing `curses.KEY_F31` constant.

** Bug fixes:

 - `posix.fadvise` is now spelled `posix.fcntl.posix_fadvise` and takes a
   file descriptor first argument rather than a Lua file handle. The old
   misspelled bad argument type version is undocumented but still works.

 - `posix.getpasswd`, `posix.getpid`, `posix.pathconf`, `posix.stat`,
   `posix.statvfs`, `posix.sysconf` and `posix.times` process a single table
   argument with a list of types correctly.

 - `posix.syslog.openlog` now takes the bitwise OR of those constants.  The
   old string option specified API is still available as `posix.openlog`.

 - `posix.syslog.setlogmask` now takes the bitwise OR of bits returned by
   passing priority constants to `posix.syslog.LOG_MASK`.  The old API will
   continue to be available as `posix.setlogmask`.

 - `posix.readlink` is much more robust, and reports errors accurately.

 - configured installation installs `` into the lua cpath directory

 - fixed a long-standing bug where the stdio buffers were not restored after
   some posix.fcntl() examples, resulting in the `make check` output being
   truncated -- often before terminal colors were returned to normal.

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

    luarocks install luaposix 33.0.0

If the latest rocks are not yet available from the official repository,
you can install directly from the luaposix release branch, with:

    $ luarocks install \