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Am 23.10.2014 um 10:41 schröbte Procházka Lukáš Ing. - Pontex s. r. o.:


local mt =
{ __index = {},

local mt2 =
{ __index =
   function(ttt, k) print("mt2", ttt, k) end -- [1]

setmetatable(mt.__index, mt2)

local t = setmetatable({}, mt)

So, question: how to (anyhow) pass the table 't' to the function [1] so
that be able to access 't' members?

I can think of two ways:

1.) Forget about `mt` and make `mt2` the metatable of `t`.
2.) Make function [1] a closure referencing `t` (but you will need to duplicate `mt`, `mt.__index`, `mt2`, and `mt2.__index` for every new table like `t`).

To give you more useful answers, I need to know what you are trying to do ...

Best regards,

