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On 11.10.2014 19:32, Enrique Garcia Cota wrote:
> I did a quick perusal in the code. Does ltdiff support tables-in-keys? I
> would test myself but I am on my mobile and will be for a while.

Heh, I haven't thought of that. As long as they use for the key the
exact same table in terms of the address of the table *not* the table
content it should work.

The following example prints the expected result:

ltdiff = require "ltdiff"
utils = require "utils"

local table_as_key = {}
local mytable = { key = "hey" }
mytable[table_as_key] = "hello"

local othertable = utils.deepcopy (mytable)
othertable[table_as_key] = "bye"

local diff = ltdiff.diff (mytable, othertable)

print (diff.mod[table_as_key]) -- prints "bye"

However serializing this diff would be tricky as it would be unclear how
to serialize the key for table_as_key.
