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On 21/09/14 11:27 AM, Dirk Laurie wrote:
2014-09-21 15:10 GMT+02:00  <>:
Another argument: If everything someone needs is always seen as bloat (by
those who don't need it) then Lua development should stop where it is right
now.  If Lua is currently in a state where everything (granted, everything
for which it was intended) can be handled already, what's the point of
further development (other than to fix bugs, or optimize execution
Experienced posters avoid the term "Feature request", dishing up
their ideas as mere topics for discussion :-)

"Bloat" is something that adds to the length of the manual without
adding to what Lua can already do. For example, if eventually in
Lua 5.3 "for i in ipairs(tbl)" turns out to be exactly equivalent to
"for i=1,#tbl" then 'ipairs' will be bloat.
Lua <= 5.2 ipairs is exactly equivalent to:

local t,k,v = t, 0
while rawget(t,k+1) ~= nil do
    k,v = k+1,rawget(t,k+1)
    local t,k,v = t,k,v
    -- your code here

(even the starting condition, k=0, is the same)

So it's safe to say ipairs is bloat, right?
Whether one likes it or not, "conceptual integrity" seems to be a criterion
in the design of Lua. In practice this means an almost aesthetic judgement
on the part of the Lua team (BTW has it ever happened that Roberto got
outvoted? That would be an interesting anecdote!)

For example, it's quite easy for a table to know exactly how many keys
it contains. One extra integer in the struct plus a test whether 'nil' is being
assigned when it's not a new index or non-nil when it is. That feature has
been requested on this list. It has not been implemented in core Lua.
There's a tradeoff on how useful it is versus what it costs, and the
decision went against it. Fair enough.

One can get an idea of what is considered to be non-bloat by looking
at the most recent alpha.  Lua 5.3 has one addition to the core (64-bit
integers and operations on them) and one main addition to the standard
libraries (UTF-8 codepoint parsing). Both offer great extra functionality.
Both were envisaged long before when Roberto gave a talk on "What
is next for Lua" at the 2012 workshop.

What we should be rooting for is not little tricks borrowed from Python,
Ruby, Perl or Javascript. We should be trying to persuade Roberto that
some of the other stuff he mentioned will also be appreciated by the
community. That's "lpeg" and/or "struct". Do we really want to do
decoding of strings representing byte blocks using numerous feeble
little functions with clumsy names like string.undumpint etc? Or do
we want something that can offer power comparable to C's sscanf?