If you really must use a metatable for functions,2014-09-16 0:16 GMT+02:00 Paul Bernier <bernier.pja@gmail.com>:
> Thank you all, I was suspecting it was an optimization. Unfortunately I'd
> have preferred the behavior of LuaJIT or Lua5.1, but it's also because I'm
> in a deviant case (use of debug.setmetatable). Here is a simplified version
> of what I'm doing, just to give you the true motivation of my question:
> local proxy = {}
> local mt = {
> __index = function(self, key)
> return proxy[self][key]
> end,
> __newindex = function(self, key, value)
> if not proxy[self] then
> proxy[self] = {}
> end
> proxy[self][key] = value
> end,
> }
> debug.setmetatable(function()end, mt)
> local funcs = {}
> for i=0,5 do
> local f = function() end
> f.att = i
> table.insert(funcs, f)
> end
> print(funcs[1].att) -- I'd expect 0
> print(funcs[2].att) -- I'd expec 1
you could do this:
local funcs = {}
local factory = function(i)
local f = function() end
f.att = i
return f
for i=0,5 do
table.insert(funcs, factory(i))