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Thanks all.  It is clear that this is safe to use.  At least until there is a good reason to remove support for it in later releases. 

I get that ("5",x,y) is going to return "5".  What I don't get is why then is:

   s = '5':rep(4)

does not work but 

   s = ('5'):rep(4)


Thanks again for shining any light in this direction.

On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Jerome Vuarand <> wrote:
2014-09-10 14:58 GMT+01:00 Robert McLay <>:
> The question I'm asking is why a string literal can be used with string
> member function like format and rep:
>   s = ('5'):rep(10)   --> 5555555555

Why would you expect that *not* to work?

> I would have normally done:
>     ss = '5' -- i fixed the quotes
>     s   = ss:rep(10)

That works too. The language syntax in the manual says in foo:rep(10),
foo is a prefixexp, which can be a variable, ss:rep(10), a function
call, f():rep(10), or any _expression_ between parenthesis,
((2+3)..[[]]):rep(10). And the constant string '5' is an _expression_.

> I am unable to find this trick discussed in the "Programming in Lua" books
> or the Lua reference manual.  It clearly works on lua 5.1, 5.2 and luajit
> 2.0.2.  But is this something that I can assume that it will continue to
> work?   Is this trick somehow buried in the manuals and I just missed it?

It's not a trick, it's part of the language.

But the language is not set in stone. You cannot assume this
syntax/feature, or any other, will continue to work in future
versions. What makes Lua small and modern is that it breaks backward
compatibility when necessary.

Robert McLay, Ph.D.
Manager, HPC Software Tools
(512) 232-8104