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It was thus said that the Great Paul K once stated:
> The question is: how do I write the expression that take zero or more
> repetitions of a pattern and (separately) captures all non-matching
> strings?

  I'm not sure if it's possible.  The following (using the 0.12 re module)
does kind of work:

	re = require "re"

	G = [[
	block           <- (do / expr / garbage)*
	--block         <- (do / expr )*
	do              <- {| DO block END |}
	expr            <- %s* { '(' DIGIT+ ')' }
	garbage         <- . ! ('do' / 'end' / expr)
	DIGIT           <- [0-9]
	DO              <- %s* { 'do'  }
	END             <- %s* { 'end' }
	SP              <- %s*
	expr = re.compile(G)

	-- dump() dumps the table.  Code for this not included

	dump("d",expr:match [[do(1)end]])
	dump("d",expr:match [[do (1) do (3) end (3) (4) end]])
	dump("d",expr:match [[do do end end]])
	dump("d",expr:match [[do 23 end]])

d = 2.000000,

d =
  [1] = "do",
  [2] = "(1)",
  [3] =
    [1] = "do",
    [2] = "(3)",
    [3] = "end",
  [4] = "(3)",
  [5] = "(4)",
  [6] = "end",

d =
  [1] = "do",
  [2] =
    [1] = "do",
    [2] = "end",
  [3] = "end",

d =
  [1] = "do",
  [2] = "end",

  So the first line (with no spaces) doesn't match, but it does ignore the
garbage input (last example).  If you switch the definition of 'block', you

d =
  [1] = "do",
  [2] = "(1)",
  [3] = "end",

d =
  [1] = "do",
  [2] = "(1)",
  [3] =
    [1] = "do",
    [2] = "(3)",
    [3] = "end",
  [4] = "(3)",
  [5] = "(4)",
  [6] = "end",

d =
  [1] = "do",
  [2] =
    [1] = "do",
    [2] = "end",
  [3] = "end",

d = 1.000000,

  I haven't been able to get both the first and the last example to parse
correctly, and I've tried just about every combination (for example,
"garbage <- [^%s]+") I can think of to no avail.  Personally (and in my
not-so-humble opinion) trying to carry on in the presence of garbage can
only lead to trouble (witness the horrors of parsing arbitrary HTML). 

  -spc (What's the saying? ... garbage in, garbage out?)