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It was thus said that the Great Paul K once stated:
> Are there any other options for parsing incomplete strings using LPEG?

  I don't think LPeg contains much state itself (seeing how it's composable)
so there isn't much to save---it either matches a pattern, or it doesn't.

  But I think that if you can break your parsing up into natural "units",
you should be able to parse a bit and if you fail to parse, add more data
until you can.  As a proof-of-concept:

==[ proof-of-concept.lua ]=======================

BUF = 2 -- we'll be readin in this many characters at a time

local lpeg = require "lpeg"

-- ************************************************************************
-- parse a line of text.  If a line doesn't end with a '\n' then it's an
-- error.  Return the line of text and position at the end of the line, such
-- that we can resume parsing there if need be.
-- ************************************************************************

local line = lpeg.C((lpeg.P(1) - lpeg.P"\n")^0)
           * lpeg.P"\n"
           * lpeg.Cp()    

-- ************************************************************************
-- Interator to get lines from a file.
-- ************************************************************************

function getlines(file)
  local function getnext(state,var)

    -- -------------------------------
    -- attempt to get a line of data
    -- -------------------------------

    local l,pos = line:match(state.text,state.pos)
    -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- if we get nil, or the new position is the same as the old position,
    -- then we've exhausted our buffer of data.  Attempt to read more from
    -- our stream (in this case, a file)
    -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
    if l == nil or pos == state.pos then
      local data = state.file:read(BUF) 
      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
      -- check for end of our stream.  If so, and the current position is at
      -- the start of the string, then we've encountered a partial, non-'\n'
      -- terminated line, so signal an error.  Otherwise, we've successfully
      -- reached the end of the input.
      -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
      if not data or data == "" then    
        if state.pos == 1 then
          error("bad token on line " .. tostring(state.line))
        return nil
      -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
      -- We've read more data from the stream.  Discard what we've parsed so
      -- far from our buffered data, keep what we haven't parsed and append
      -- the new data, and try our parse again.
      -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
      state.text = state.text:sub(state.pos,-1) .. data
      state.pos  = 1
      return getnext(state,var)
    -- --------------------------------------------------------------
    -- okay, update our state, and return the data we've just parsed.
    -- --------------------------------------------------------------
    state.line = state.line + 1
    state.pos = pos
    return l
  return getnext,{		-- our interator function
  	file = file, 		-- stream we're reading from
  	text = file:read(BUF),	-- buffered data
  	pos  = 1,		-- starting position in buffer
  	line = 1		-- line (for error reporting)

f =[1],"r")
for line in getlines(f) do
==[ END OF LINE ]========================================

  So that's one way of doing it.  It isn't that pretty, but it works.  