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2014-08-26 14:12 GMT+02:00 Axel Kittenberger <>:

> Albeit I can fully undestand if someone says, a rename is definitely
> not worth the breakage when the library binding would be called
> lua_newinstance instead of newstate.


I'm at this very moment converting a package someone else wrote
from Lua 5.1 to 5.2. It's supposed to be almost trivial. It isn't.
It uses package.seeall, for a start.

If I also needed to worry about every single tunction definition in it,
I would not even consider doing it.

Fortunately, the Lua team implements very few of our suggestions,
and I can't see them doing this one. Drat, it's really very inconvenient
that I can't bet Thijs a beer...