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On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 12:56 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
Assuming you mean Perl. I #honestly %have &no ^idea !how @Lua
$might ?then ~have looked lke.

Ha. The height of emberrassment is demonstrated wonderfully by swapping the name of a language with a word that sounds like it. It's the same with Cannon and Canon. :P

Anyway, generic answer is "Moonscript with integrated LPeg, whatever that might mean."

I was enamored with the connections between the importance of Perl's regular expressions in helping the language get used and the wonder that is LPeg.

I don't think that LPeg can have that sort of impact on Lua, not that it should or even that it would be desirable for it to do that. LPeg isn't standard and the rest of Lua is designed for a different core-use case.
