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On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 07:56:01AM +0200, Dirk Laurie wrote:
> 2014-08-23 7:12 GMT+02:00 Andrew Starks <>:
> > The description and mission that is stated for Lua seems out of step with
> > LPeg. I say this because of LPeg's size, relative to Lua and because it's
> > not minimalistic, as Lua is. (Although it is minimalistic, compared with
> > other tools in specialized use cases.)
> >
> > If it's at all interesting to the authors: if Lua were imagined as a
> > replacement for Pearl, including LPeg in place of regex, what might it look
> > like?
> Assuming you mean Perl. I #honestly %have &no ^idea !how @Lua
> $might ?then ~have looked lke.

Sigil hater?

I never understood why so many people* are for strong typing on the one
hand, but violently oppose the use of sigil notation on the other. It seems
like a contradiction.

* I'm not necessarily speaking of your preferences.