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It was thus said that the Great Coroutines once stated:
> On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Sean Conner <> wrote:
> >> I play with networking.
> So then you know what a pain it is to not be able to represent a
> simple ring buffer, or provide DMA access to the NIC's ring buffer
> hosted through userdata to Lua -- without having to copy it out and
> promote it to a string?  

  It doesn't bother me, because the convenience it affords is worth the
price (in my opinion).  

> I wish userdata could be used in the same
> place a string is expected.  I would love an "invisible" memcmp() if
> it's a userdata-string comparison (==) or to be able to directly use
> the string.*() functions on them.

  I swear, the way you are talking, it's as if you equate "userdata" with
"Lua's internal string representation" and it jars me every time.  I have
plenty of userdata types that have nothing to do with strings; where
"userdata == string" just does not make any semamtic sense what-so-ever [1].

  As an example, some of the datafiles we use at work are quite large [2].
Because of this (and an internal binary structure) I mmap() the files into
memory and wrap a userdata around it, providing a __index method to return
records based on ordinal position or based on a key (the files are
specialized key/value stores) [3][4].  The userdata here represents a huge
amount of data, not just one "thing".

  Another userdata is the wrapper for iconv.  Heck, the header file,
iconv.h, doesn't even define the structure:

	typedef void *iconv_t;

so again, I'm at a loss as to what "userdata == string" even means in that

> Strings are sealed userdata -- if
> you know you need a fixed buffer whose contents are changed quite
> often then I wish userdata could conform to this use.  Generally
> duplicating them into a string is okay because we don't handle very
> large data, but lots of frequent reallocation frustrates me.  This
> stuff doesn't need to be in Lua's string pool for memory or comparison
> efficiency :p  All I really need is read access to it -- and I don't
> want to have to rewrite what's in the string library for userdata.

  So really, what you are after is a buffer type userdata that can be used,
invisibly, as an immutable string.  You could hack Lua to do that, as a
proof-of-concept, get some feedback, do some benchmarking and possible get
enough users to convince PUC to officially add it.

> >   But now you are exposing what has been an implementation detail.  The
> > tname just has to be unique, it doesn't have to have any meaning (so I guess
> > the days of #define MY_TYPE "\200\201\202\203\344\377\300" are over) and we
> > run headlong into the namespace problem we (potentially) have with modules,
> > but now with types.
> I think -- like module names -- people will have to put some thought
> into their typenames.  I would not expect people to pull in libraries
> introducing a lot of userdata types anyway, I feel like it would be a
> small concern.

  I use 22 userdata types at work (just counted).  It's not a small concern.

> >   Other unintended consequences---why did I create a new function typeof()?
> > Why not extend type() to return a second value?  Because there might be
> > code that expects type() to only return a single value (calling type()
> > within the definition of an array)?
> Disagreement here, I would avoid a typeof() and just add the 2nd
> return to type() -- or have a type() and rawtype().  Doesn't really
> matter ~

  If it doesn't matter, why not typeof()?  

> > Hmmm ... this is bringing up an interesting problem---do we need to check
> > for mutable strings (buffers?) and immutable strings?  What happens to C
> > code that does:
> >
> >         const char *name = lua_tostring(L,idx);
> I imagine nothing changes, as you are referencing const char.. :p
> >         char buffer[65536uL];
> >         bytes = recvfrom(sock->fh,buffer,sizeof(buffer),0,&remaddr->sa,&remsize);
> >         lua_pushlstring(L,buffer,bytes);
> The only problem I have with this is while I know of no foolproof way
> to multithread an embedded Lua process, it seems like a bad idea to
> have a "shared" static buffer in a library? :>

  I never said it was static.  That "buffer" there is an auto---declared on
the stack of the socklua_recv() function [5].  No static buffer here.

  And the way I handle multithreaded process with Lua embedded is to give
each operating system thread its own Lua state.  Yeah, I could provide the
lua_lock() and lua_unlock() implementations, but I'd rather avoid the loss
of speed that a global interpreter lock imposes [6].

> >   Okay, nothing stopping anybody from doing that.  But I suspect only a
> > small subset of the standard Lua library could be done in pure Lua.
> Mostly I just thought it would be clearer to see how args are accepted
> and parsed and it would be easier to notice issues/bugs.  The other
> bonus would be it'd be easier for upstream and the community to
> prototype new functions to add to the string or table or whatever
> library.  The standard libraries themselves could be released as less
> of a 'standard' and more of a 'go add to it' example.  I think Lua
> would grow more quickly because of it -- and in ways the community
> could regard and come to a consensus on?

  You could always try that approach.

[1]	That's not to say I don't have a __tostring() method attached to
	them---I do.  But mostly for debugging purposes, not for any real use.

[2]	Relatively speaking.  I mean, 100,000,000 records does take up some

[3]	In this case, when you do an index reference, you get back a plain
	Lua table with the data converted to more natural data types.  For
	instance, one such file maps phone numbers (the key) to
	functionality (this phone number can do A, B and C).  When

		x = mapping['5555551212']

	x is a Lua table:

		  number = '5555551212',
		  A = true,
		  B = true,
		  C = false

	The reason I include the number is because you can also reference it

		x = mapping[456]

	The number is stored in a compressed binary format (to save space)
	and the feature indicators are individual bits.  

[4]	Why not a real database, or some other key/value store?  Database
	engines weren't fast enough (we're literally in the "call chain" of
	a phone call) and the storage medium is ... interesting in the
	Chinese definition of "interesting".


[6]	I'm looking at you, Python.