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On Saturday, August 16, 2014, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
2014-08-16 16:42 GMT+02:00 Andrew Starks <>:
> On Saturday, August 16, 2014, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
>> 2014-08-16 16:23 GMT+02:00 Andrew Starks <>:
>> > What would be most useful to me, would be if ipairs returned all numeric
>> > key
>> > / value pairs, in order, regardless of holes.
>> I can't see how implementing that in C would be possible in
>> a cleverer way than iterating over pairs and keeping what you
>> need. But the Lua extension I thought was off-topic would
>> do this for you:
>>    for k,v in pairs(tbl) if type(k)=='number' do
>>       ...
>>    end
> Not in order.

Didn't see that. Then you will have to cache everything in a list
and sort it, since there is no way you can make a table like
{[130]='a',[292]='b'} etc retrieve the keys in order, even in C.

Yes, and that is what I do now and it works nicely, except that it means quite a bit of code. 

I assert that ipairs is used when order matters. So, thinking about ipairs in terms of it being the ordinal iterator could be a useful mental framework. 

[I often feel the need to state that I'm on a more facile level than most of you. Sometimes a naive point of view is helpful, though...]
