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On Aug 13, 2014, at 3:00 PM, Coda Highland <> wrote:

>> Ah, interesting border-case. In fact, even if you DO specify an environment to loadfile() in this case it will be inaccessible to the function.
>> I’ve not really given it much thought, but a function that declares _ENV as one of its arguments in fact has NO access to the global environment at all so far as I can see (except indirectly via upvalues or other arguments, both of which the caller can control). Is this, then, a Lua idiom for writing (partially) pure functions? With the obvious caveat that such a function is free to call impure functions.
>> —Tim
> It feels to me more like a "with" block than any sort of functional idiom.
> /s/ Adam

Yes, possibly. In either case it’s just a minor observation.
