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Could you please tell me if it possible to use accented variable names in Lua ? I'm using a the IDE named SciTE (adapted to french) to do some Lua code and i can use french accented character inside a string, but i always have an error when i try to use and accented variable name like "caché" :

-- don't work:
table ={caché="test"}

-- don't work:
table.caché = "test"

-- work (but not very handy):

the error message (given by lua.exe 1.5.1) is : '=' expected near 'é'

I precise that I have no problem to deal with accented string that are well recognized :

-- this work
table.cache="my string has accented character like the french é or à"

so my ide recognized french accented characters without problem since it is declared in a string (with quote). The problem is only when i want to named a variable with an accent, but i don't know if the problem comes from my IDE or from Lua.

So can Lua use variable name with accented characters ?

Thank you