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So to make a program run as fast as possible should you localize everything in _ENV you’re going to use in your program?
On Aug 7, 2014, at 4:44 PM, Elias Barrionovo <> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 6:40 PM, Mason Mackaman <> wrote:
>> I see, when I change the variables from the libraries (or should I say modules, I really don’t know when to use what) I’ve written to local, they don’t carry over. So I guess that’s the only time you use globals then?
> A module can return a value, just like a function (in fact, a module
> *is* a function), so it's idiomatic for the value to return a table
> with what it wants to export. A silly example:
> -- file double.lua
> local double(x) return x*2 end  -- local, only this module can see this
> return {double = double}  -- returning a table that exports the double function
> -- file main.lua
> local double = require 'double'
> print(double.double(4))
> -- 
> NI!
> () -
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