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Am Fri, 08 Aug 2014 01:21:22 -0500
schrieb Fernando Paredes García <>:

> Dear Lua community,
> Let me elaborate about this.

Really this is going to be destructive/pointless .. when someone asks
for help in #lua he gets help. Otherwise there might be some
off-topic discussion, but IMO thats only a sign that there are
friendly people interacting together in a healthy community. Dividing
this rather small group will not do good for anyone (Of course this
this also counts for some people from #lua who seemingly become rude).

I am almost 20 Years on IRC and experience tells me that a strict ruled
channel 'on-topic' enforced never ever let to a welcoming friendly

Could you guys please stop this fighting consider how to get together
again and just /ignore the trolls?
