On Sunday, August 3, 2014, Dirk Laurie <
dirk.laurie@gmail.com> wrote:
2014-08-03 7:44 GMT+02:00 Andrew Starks <andrew.starks@trms.com>:
> Return the keys in a table (any order):
> ```
> local function list_keys(t, ...)
> if next(t, (...)) then
> return list_keys(t, next(t, (...)), ...)
> else
> return ...
> end
> end
I know, the point is to illustrate that one can do the unexpected
with vararg, but if I just wanted to return the keys, I would do it
function return_keys(tbl)
local t={}
for k in next,tbl do t[#t+1]=k end
return table.unpack(t)
Of course, as your test
> print("-->",table.concat({list_keys(test)}, "\n-->\t"))
demonstrates, it's more useful to return a table of keys
and if necessary do the unpacking after the call.
I really wanted the values without the table. The unpack was for pretty printing.
Your premise was correct. I just thought it was cool. No need to bring pragmatism into this, Dirk. :)