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s in the header of your e-mail suggests "subtract 7 hours in order to get PST".

BTW (I don't live there) is EST always +9 or is it sometimes different
due to daylight saving?

2014-07-21 10:06 GMT+02:00 Dirk Laurie <>:
> LuaJIT does exactly the same. So while unexpected,
> the behaviour is not unreasonable.
> In fact, "EST+9" seems to suggest "take EST, and add 9 hours it",
> whereas "-0700 (PDT)" a
> 2014-07-21 7:03 GMT+02:00 Daurnimator <>:
>> In Lua 5.1, when you have a non-UTC timezone (e.g. set TZ="EST+9")
>> When you run: `"!%s")` it will give you a timestamp doubly-adjusted
>> for your time zone.
>>     $ lua5.1 <<< 'print("!%s",1234567890))'
>>     1234600290
>> This seems to be an unfortunate side effect of how %s is specified:
>>> The number of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).
>>> (TZ)
>> This isn't an issue in Lua 5.2, as
>> does not
>> include "s"
>> Daurn.