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Hello all,

>From Github, I downloaded the last version of Luarocks. However I was
not able to install it.

Unpacking the zip file, I found a "configure" script. I tried:

$ sudo chmod +x configure
$ ./configure

I got the following message:

Lua interpreter found: /usr/bin/lua5.1...
Lua version detected: 5.1
lua5.1 found in $PATH: /usr/bin
Checking Lua includes... lua.h not found (looked in /usr/include,
/usr/include/lua/5.1, /usr/include/lua5.1)
You may want to use the flag --with-lua or --with-lua-include. See --help.

configure failed.

I don't know exactly what to do. It's seems that C headers of Lua is
required. But is not Luarocks a pure Lua application?

$ ./configure --with-lua
$ ./configure --with-lua-include

Is a directory expected? Is it a C compilation? The messages are
confused for me.

As I always have installed it by means of a deb package, this
procedure seemed to be misleading.

Unfortunately, the deb package of Luarocks was not updated.
Luciano de Souza