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Dear All
Have a very typical requirement while doing C-Lua interfacing. I am going to explain the problem using below example.

Say we have three lua functions as below

lua_f2(arg1, arg2)
lua_f3(arg1, arg2, arg3)

Now I want to write a generic C function, that can take lua function name and variable number of arguments and can execute the lua functions and return the return value.

Below C function can take multiple number of arguments
int execute_lua_function(char *function_name, int arg1, ...)
    //get the arguments one by one and push it to stack before we call lua function

I understand, in C we can write functions with variable number of arguments

Inside C function, can we find the type of an argument and its values in an iterative way, so that we can push the argument to stack.

If this can be implemented, then when I want to call lua_f1, I can write code in C as execute_lua_function("lua_f1", arg1), when I want to execute lua_f2, I can write code in C as execute_lua_function("lua_f2", arg1, arg2) and so on....

Today I achieve it in a different way which is expensive.

Best Regards