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On Friday, May 30, 2014 07:26:16 PM Xavier Wang wrote:
> what about just dist lua in this format? do not offer lua52.dll, but just
> lua.exe (and can add icon and manifest to use XP style, just like the one
> above), and all C module are linked against .exe but not .dll, for
> compatible case we can offer a lua52.dll for bridge.

What if I want to embed Lua in my "Really Cool Application"(tm)? Lua modules 
won't know about "ReallyCool.exe" only lua.exe. I would still need to provide 
a forwarder DLL. Because exported symbols are bound to the name of the 
exporting module, I either have to rebuild every module for each program I 
want to use it with, or just export from a DLL with a well-known name that is 
common to all programs.

tom <>