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On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Thiago L. <> wrote:

> Uhh sequentially... in a loop... or something like that... so I can make
> this work:

Well I don't understand.  It sounds like MapCode might use an encoding
form that is based on UTF8, but might not be UTF8 exactly.  It sounds
like it refers to a block type as codepoints within a UTF8-like format
-- it may or may not be the exact format UTF8 is.  ANYWAY, I myself
have this project:

You can use utf8.chars() to map over byte sequences that are valid
UTF8.  Personally I prefer the interface/functions introduced in Lua
5.3 (work), and I'll eventually change my project to align more with
those (either based on or supporting for 5.1).

Hope that helps?