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On 20 May 2014 01:31, Marc Lepage <> wrote:
> Hi, looking for some thoughts on loading DSL style data.
> I have it working but would like to swap out the environment when doing so,
> so it doesn't trample on the global environment.
> I have something like:
> function load(name)
>     local env = getfenv(0)
>     setfenv(0, dsl)
>     local data = require(name)
>     setfenv(0, env)
> end
> Where I get the thread's environment, set the dsl table (with all the DSL
> functions) as the environment, load the data (using require), then restore
> the environment (presumably the _G table). Of course I should really pcall
> the load instead of require, and return the data, but that's the idea.
> This is using Lua 5.1.5. I understand that Lua 5.2 changes the way
> environments are handled?
> If anyone could offer tips here or even better, point to a page which
> explains a lot of this in this context, that would be super great.

it might or might not be exactly what you're looking for but your
problem reminded me of this:

Hope that helps!

-- Hisham