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Coda Highland:
> Lua offers the options to change how it's built. If you're a Linux
> package maintainer, and your platform would be best served by a
> dynamic library, then use the option. That's why it's there. It's
> fully supported.

I am confused about this response.

a) lua Makefile does NOT offer dynamic library targets for linux
b) we already patched it
c) 20+ other distros also patched it (in a different way), causing
confusion to the linux eco-system
d) I'v heard some people saying (which claim to have talked to lua
upstream in person) that shared libs on linux are not supported

Further, I have still not found a good reason in the other replies why
this has not been fixed. If you don't want libtool, don't use it. If you
cannot test it on FreeBSD, don't provide the dynamic lib target for it.
I am _only_ talking about PLAT=linux. The patch can be modified so it
doesn't affect any of the other platforms.

Packagers have enough knowledge about build systems to help here. But
nothing will happen if you don't say which way to go, so we can send
appropriate patches.