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On 07/05/14 16:00, Philipp Janda wrote:
> Am 07.05.2014 15:40 schröbte Thiago L.:
>> So I have a challenge for you all: A table copy script in less than 270
>> chars
> 239 bytes. Stole some of your tricks. Not extensively tested but seems
> to work ...

Ah, this show something interesting (Thiago == tcopy, Philipp == tcopy2):

$ luac -v ; uname -m
Lua 5.2.2  Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio

$ luac -s -o tcopy.luac tcopy.lua
$ wc -m tcopy.lua*
271 tcopy.lua
536 tcopy.luac
807 total

$ luac -s -o tcopy2.luac tcopy2.lua
$ wc -m tcopy2.lua*
240 tcopy2.lua
557 tcopy2.luac
797 total

Shorter source, longer bytecode.

Was also surprised to see the bytecode take up more than the source in
general (something to do with 64-bit word sizes?)
