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On 03/05/2014 18:27, Coroutines wrote:
Hmm, you are using this like a macro facility :p

You could do this 2 ways.  Either way the function that executes at
compile-time should return something that can be represented as a

local debirand = function () return 4 end

local a = @debirand()


local C = function (c) return string.byte(c) end

if c == @C('?') then ... end -- becomes:

if c == 63 then ... end

The other part is the functions that execute at compile-time can
either take literals where they are called (so the compiler can
evaluate these by starting up a minimal Lua instance and running the
function), or it could also take arguments that reference other values
known at compile time:

local questionMark = '?'


I don't really expect this to be upvoted.......  still fun to dream :-)

I wouldn't call them macros... they're more like