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Excerpts from steve donovan's message of 2014-04-25 14:25:27 +0200:
> For sure!  And once a feature has been added, it cannot be removed

Just to "mee too". Could have been much worse and we should be glad.
Think of VBScript winning in browser wars...

> "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but
> when there is nothing left to take away."

This is contentious issue. Additional junk hardly anyone uses - or
is actually harmful when used, but is there because history -
is just that. Self-discipline saves the day - think of C++ and how
much worse it is in that regard.

Sadly JS IMHO sucks because of features which it does not have.

Like lack of true coroutines - this makes things like serialization
of asynchronous events incredible pain and a lot of "callback hell"
JS is famous for can be attributed to this. Worse, people are apologetic
blaming coroutines to introduce "additional hard to debug complexity"
by misattributing the problem - async stuff is hard to debug in general.
To illustrate:

This and similiar problems are rather offputting. JS has excellent
ecosystem (much more vast and developed than Lua), but also
idiosyncrasies a lot of people with vested interest in JS refuse to
