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On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 5:37 AM, steve donovan
<> wrote:

> That's a fine convention, but then everyone must use the convention
> consistently and idiomatically.  An enormous amount of code must then
> be rewritten.

It could be confusing if only part of the community used these
characters for that convention, agreed :>

> The situation IMHO is better handled with good documentation
> practices.

Hmm, says the ldoc author/maintainer.  I agree that documentation is
good, but I hate to expect it.  I like function names that document
their use more than documentation that is well written.  If I were a
third-party I'd say we both have valid points here.

> As for the other characters, well perhaps we'll think of a better use
> for them?  My concern is that people will use them willy-nilly,
> because they look Cool....

I could see things like 'local a??????? = 3' being annoying.  I think
the benefit over the eyesore would be knowing that an identifier for a
non-function is meant to be a boolean.