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On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Andrew Starks <> wrote:
<self snip>
> So, I'm sure I'm overcomplicating things, but can anyone see through
> to what might be the issue?
> -Andrew

Before posting my question, I ran tests where I would call
`collectgarbage()` in succession and with different settings, to see
if I could get all of the memory freed. I always got the same answer
back, which was roughly 2500k allocated.

I wish I could say what changed, but in my attempt to debug  things, I
believe that I fixed my problem. I still get the same answer on the
first call to `collectgarbage`, but on subsequent calls, the me more
completely frees, as expected.


PS: Please accept my apologies for the noise. This is now my second
question to this list that is both very basic and also answered by
myself. I promise, I do spend a great deal of time trying to solve
these things myself...Thank you for your graciousness. :)