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On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Rena <> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 5:39 AM, steve donovan <>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Dirk Laurie <>
>> wrote:
>> > Rule #3: Allow monkeypatching
>> >    Agree 5%. No monkeypatching should be the default, and
>> >    it should be documented clearly when a module allows it.
>> There are a lot of good reasons for not patching Lua libraries, and
>> very few good reasons why one should. Quick (and temporary) fixing for
>> broken third-party libs is one of those good reasons.
>> If a person takes a dislike to table.insert[1] (and it's one of the
>> easiest functions to dislike, because it's really two functions in
>> one) then surely that person just defines a new function to do exactly
>> what they want?  Why confuse the known and documented contract of  an
>> existing standard library function?
>> And they may put it into 'table', this is a lesser evil and only
>> really applies to defining modules meant to be consumed by other
>> people's code.  (stdlib used to do this a lot and fortunately Gary has
>> now made this optional)
>> As for routinely tweaking third-party modules, the same consideration
>> holds, since in a large system any global changes can have unintended
>> effects.  That post I mentioned about why monkey-patching is bad for
>> Ruby gets the issue right:  there are all these Rails plugins which
>> tweak the environment in incompatible ways, and - wait for it -
>> there's usually a perfectly good solution[2] that doesn't need such
>> radical surgery.
>> The reason for this rant: it is impossible to do big reliable projects
>> when people have this idea that they can patch things to suit
>> themselves.  It's not the mechanism that bothers me, it's the policy;
>> the meme that patching is good engineering practice.
>> Perhaps there is some confusion between modules - stateless
>> collections of functions - and classes, where _instances_ have state?
>> Inheriting from a class creates a new class and one can do what one
>> likes[3]  So at the least, make a copy of something that needs to be
>> patched, so that the patch doesn't propagate and mess with other vital
>> machinery.
>> Of course, this all applies to code that is meant to be used by other
>> people ;)
>> steve d. (rant over)
>> [1] My favourite local assign is "local append = table.insert" for
>> purposes of appending at the end. It's possible to accidentally
>> trigger weird behaviour, but in practice I haven't seen this as a
>> problem worth getting excited about.
>> [2]
>> [3] modulo "fragile base class" problem.  Inheritance isn't so cool
>> anymore, which is fortunate because the Lua community cannot agree on
>> how to implement it.
> I had a thought about monkeypatching global tables:
> #!/usr/bin/env lua5.2
> do
>     local _ENV = setmetatable({}, {__index=_G})
>     local smeta = getmetatable('')
>     smeta.__index = function(self, key)
>         return _ENV._string and _ENV._string[key] or string[key]
>     end
>     _ENV._string = setmetatable({}, {__index=string})
>     _ENV._string.mogrify = function(self) return self:reverse() end
>     print(("this is a string"):mogrify())
> end
> print(("this is a string"):mogrify()) --this shouldn't work
> It doesn't work as intended though, since the new __index has _ENV as an
> upvalue, so continues to look in it even when it's out of scope. If we could
> get the current scope's _ENV then I think it'd work.
> --
> Sent from my Game Boy.

As I mentioned in another post, another approach would be to provide a
way to express the intent of a value. That is, "this table is a
string" is something more than simply defining "__tostring."

Or, perhaps, it is the same thing and the fact that tables have a
default "__tostring" value makes "__tostring" far less useful than it
would be.

If "__tostring" could be reasonably interpreted as "Ahhh... I don't
have a table here, what I have is a string!", then libraries could use
your string-like table and you could adorn it with whatever puffery
you felt necessary and you could avoid the urge to patch the string

But you can't so, there it is.
