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On Apr 5, 2014, at 9:57 AM, Rena <> wrote:
> * It can copy any type except for Userdata (unless it has __xcopy) and Thread (as that makes
>   no sense really). String copying is binary-safe (but maybe not terribly memory-efficient, since
>   each Lua state will internally make a copy of the string). Tables are copied recursively (but
>   there's nothing to prevent infinite recursion, so be careful of nested references). Functions can
>   be copied, but they might not work as expected due to a lack of _ENV (this is something I
>   still need to investigate and fix).

Be careful about table copying. Apart from the obvious issues with cyclical table references, you also need to deal with multiple references to the same table:

t = {}
x = {}
t.a = x
t.b = x

In our table persist algorithm we handle all these cases but it requires quite a bit of juggling to make sure the end result is correct (we actually emit Lua source code that rebuilds the table).
