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On 04/05/2014 02:16 PM, wrote:
> Is there an equivalent for Python's
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>    main()
> in Lua?
> For example, something like this?  (If not, is this something that
> could be added in the next release?)
> if _MAIN then
>  ...
> end
> where _MAIN would be true if the script is run directly, and false if
> it is part of require or dofile.
> Tony.
If you're using command-line lua executable, something along the lines of

> not debug.getinfo(3)

should work, as if the code is placed in main chunk, 0 would be
debug.getinfo, 1 would be the main chunk, 2 would be the code from
lua.c. 3 would be nonexistent.
It is however very easy to break, f.e if the code is ran via
luaL_dostring and not luaL_loadfile, so, may I ask,

Why do you need to detect this, in first place?