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Behaviour Driven Development for Lua

I am happy to announce release 11 of Specl.

The focus of this release is to make specl much easier to use from
the command line (i.e. without wrapping it in complicated make rules),
especially adding flags for fine control over what examples to run or
rerun.  This is a recommended upgrade for all users.

Additionally, there are a lot of performance improvements, most
notably an experimental feature for running Lua programs directly in
the Specl interpreter rather than with a fork and exec or from a
subshell.  See the Release Notes below for more details.

Specl's home page is at

* Noteworthy changes in release 11 (2014-04-05) [stable]

** New features:

  - Built-in matchers compare nested tables and objects in about 25% of
    the time required previously, and is optimised for tail-call
    elimination for non-tree like structures.

  - Specl now loads a 'spec_helper.lua' from the same directory as the
    spec file being executed into the example environment automatically,
    so there's no need to manually require it from a `before:` block in
    each spec file any more.

  - You can easily run Specl from the top of your source tree without
    any special LUA_PATH munging in Makefiles or wrapper scripts. Just
    set `package.path` and `package.cpath` to find the code being specced
    out in a 'spec_helper.lua' in each directory containing spec files.

  - When invoked with no filename arguments, `specl` will check all your
    specifications, as long as they have names ending in `_spec.yaml` and
    are kept in or somewhere below the `specs/` directory of your project.

  - The report and progress formatters now display file:line:expectation:
    annotations for failed and pending expectations in verbose mode (-v).

  - New command line option `--fail-fast` (or `-1`) to stop checking
    expectations immediately on the first failure, rather than
    continuing and showing all failures.

  - New command line option `--example=PATTERN` (or `-e PATTERN`) to specify
    inclusive filters matched against the fully concatenated YAML
    descriptions of an example. Use this to select a subset of examples to

  - You can also filter out all but the examples at a specified line
    number either by pasting from the output of a failed or pending
    expectation in verbose mode, by invoking specl as:

        specl specs/some_spec.yaml:44:1

    or with as many `+NN` as necessary to select several examples from
    the following file:

        specl +44 +48 specs/some_spec.yaml

    or a combination of the above. Note that the final `:1` in the
    former is ignored and can be omitted (it is the ordinal number of an
    `expect` statement in a given example), but is accepted for ease of
    cutting and pasting.

  - From this release out, matchers using `to_` are preferred to using
    `should_`.  When negating a new syntax `to_` matcher, both of
    `to_not_` and `not_to` are accepted.

  - New `copy` matcher, to specify that an object should be an identical
    copy of the expected value, but not the same object:

      t = {"foo"}
      expect (table.clone (t)).to_copy (t)

  - You can `require ""` for a swathe of additional matchers
    to specify results from a `Process` object:

      a) For exit statuses, use:

           expect (shell.spawn "exit 42").to_exit (42)
           expect (shell.spawn "exit 0").to_succeed ()
           expect (shell.spawn "/bin/false").to_fail ()

      b) For checking the contents of the output stream, use:

           expect (...).to_output "exact content"
           expect (...).to_contain_output  "substring"
           expect (...).to_match_output "pattern"

      d) To require zero exit status with specified output stream

           expect (...).to_succeed_with "exact content"
           expect (...).to_succeed_while_containing "substring"
           expect (...).to_succeed_while_matching "pattern"

      c) To check the standard error stream instead:

           expect (...).to_output_error "exact content"
           expect (...).to_contain_error "substring"
           expect (...).to_match_error "pattern"

      e) To require non-zero exit status with specified error stream

           expect (...).to_fail_with "exact content"
           expect (...).to_fail_while_containing "substring"
           expect (...).to_fail_while_matching "pattern"

  - New experimental `specl.inprocess` module provides a way to run
    carefully written Lua programs inside the Specl process, saving a
    fork/exec each time.  Converting Specl itself to be reentrant, and
    using `specl.inprocess` for most of its examples shaves more than
    75% off the time spent in `make check`: from over 20secs to under
    5secs on my machine.

** Incompatible changes:

  - Invoking `specl` with no filename arguments no longer reads specs
    from standard input.  You must explicitly pass a "-" argument to get
    that behaviour.

  - RSpec has been moving from expressing `should_` expectations to
    using `to_` for technical reasons.  Specl now uses `to_` throughout,
    not for technical reasons, but because:

      (i) expectations almost always read better with `to_` instead of
     (ii) it's shorter and easier to type, so is less "noisy" in among
          the important surrounding arguments.

    There are no plans to remove `should_` from Specl, so you can expect
    to safely continue to use your existing spec files indefinitely: But
    all mention of `should_` has been removed from documentation, and I
    recommend you use `to_` for new spec files for the reasons above.

  - When making custom matchers, all the api constructor functions are
    now proper methods.  Previous releases forgot the initial self
    parameter in the unnamed matching predicate function and the
    following optional functions accepted by the constructor:

      function (self, actual, expect)
      function format_actual (self, actual, ...)
      format_expect (self, expect, ...)
      format_alternatives (self, adaptor, alternatives, ...)

    If you have added any custom matchers to your spec files, be sure
    to insert the `self` parameter to match the new calling convention
    as soon as you upgrade, or they will not work with this release.

** Bug fixes:

  - Setting table elements from outer environment tables no longer leak
    into sibling examples.  For example, changing entries in the _G
    table or adding entries to the string table affects only the current
    innermost environment now, just like setting other variables.

  - Unrecognised command-line options are diagnosed properly.

Install it with LuaRocks, using:

    luarocks install specl 11

Until the rocks are available from the official repository in a few days,
you can install directly from the specl release branch, with:

    $ luarocks install \