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> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Alain Meunier
> Sent: donderdag 27 maart 2014 16:56
> To:
> Subject: tables as array : little confirmation
> Hello,
> I know that tables don't preserve order in case of an associative array.
> but I 've got the following code (didn't scoped them for the ex):
> ----------------------------------------
> iterator = 0
> basic_table ={}
> str
> for x = 0,5 do
> iterator = iterator + 1
>          basic_table["k"][iterator] = iterator + 100
> end
> str = table.concat(basic_table,",")

Are you sure? Basic_table only contains one entry with key "k" here.
   str = table.concat(basic_table["k"],",")
would make sense here

> ----------------------------------------
> indexing is continuous and always numeric.
> If i concat this table in str, am I sure the order is preserved ?

Yes. That is how basic string buffers are used in Lua to do only a single efficient concat operation at the end of a loop.

> My tests confirm that but I just can't bear a mistake|my misconception there
> that would occur -even once a decade :)
> Thanks