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On 3/22/14, 2:49 PM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:

double taus88()
{	/* Generates numbers between 0 and 1. */
	b = (((s1 << 13) ^ s1) >> 19);
	s1 = (((s1 & 4294967294UL) << 12) ^ b);
	b = (((s2 << 2) ^ s2) >> 25);
	s2 = (((s2 & 4294967288UL) << 4) ^ b);
	b = (((s3 << 3) ^ s3) >> 11);
	s3 = (((s3 & 4294967280UL) << 17) ^ b);
	return ((s1 ^ s2 ^ s3) * 2.3283064365e-10);

Although not the same, this is similar to the RNG used in luajit:
