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On Mar 20, 2014 4:13 AM, "Thijs Schreijer" <> wrote:

For a raspberry pi project I’m looking for a Lua smbus module (for the I2C interface). My google foo failed me (or there just isn’t a Lua module). If all else fails I’m considering converting a Python binding [1] to a Lua binding. But preferably I’d use something off the shelf.

Since it's licensed CC-BY-SA, I've cloned a copy at ; we'll see which last longer: the openwrt forums, my dumpster directory (dating back to lua 4.0 apparently), or the Linux i2c ioctl.

I did some minor futzing around with pointer types, but it worked for me out of the box. 

If anybody needs it, I have a Linux kernel i2c driver for LittleWire ( ) to go with it. The $10 DigiSpark ATtiny85 boards are fun.


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