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	Hi Meino

	The important aspect Luiz pointed out is that all your examples
(in that message) do had a ';' after the code.	If this is always true,
then you could identify the code without having to read data.


On Tue, 11 Mar 2014, wrote:

Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> [14-03-11 20:04]:
Suppose I have one character code like this

A;0000;0000;0000             ("0"s is data)

Now that you've given us a sample of the input, the solution is easier:

	... read line
	local prefix,info=line:match("(.-);(.*)$")
	local h=handlers[p[prefix] or badprefix

and register handlers for "A", "AB", "ABC", etc.

...and the problem with examples is, that they are examples only :)
And I have to sent all variations to completly define what I need
(which I am not allowed to do, by the way).
Only to describe another variation:

*A N

thats why I *trying* to describe things more theorectically (rigt
word? I am no native english speaker...)...