On 24/02/2014 13.33, John Hind wrote:
For example, I would like to be able to say "yield this coroutine until some real-time criterion is met" ( yield(for 10 seconds), or yield(until packet received OR 20 seconds has elapsed) ). This would enable a style of single-threaded real-time programming similar to that offered byhttp://www.nodejs.org/ (event driven), except that scheduling coroutine resumes would be so much more powerful than just scheduling function execution (as in node.js) because it would maintain procedural context.
I think this has always been done in game engines (I too wrote one of those schedulers when working in the game industry). Even the Unity3D C# framework does this, although in a rather messy way.
I did some thinking about this idea, including a conceptual design for such a scheduler, but never progressed it as far as code.
I cannot publish the code, but if I remember correctly the basic idea of my scheduler was to store coroutines in a table when launching them, with an associated unique ID. The ID was passed to the C scheduler by the yield_until_some_event() functions (e.g. "wait until the end on this animation", or "wait n seconds"); the C scheduler kept a waiting list and awoke the correct coroutine (via its ID) when the desired event happened.
-- Enrico