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           I tried using luasql for sqlite3 in Luaforwindows and in LuaDist. Somehow the version in LuaDist causes lua to crash when the following is executed in the script:

curr = conn:execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid();")
    if not curr then
        error("Cannot get the last written record's row ID")
    local row = curr:fetch({},"a")    --- This causes lua to crash

The same works fine in Luaforwindows. Lua for windows just has 1 sqlite3 dll while in luadist it seems to be divided into sqlite3.dll and libsqlite3.dll.

Probably something needs to be fixed in the Luadist version.


On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 10:57 PM, Benoit Germain <> wrote:

2014-02-20 4:47 GMT+01:00 Milind Gupta <>:

I think Lanes and other solutions use the operating system resources to do multithreading, making it possible to utilize multicore CPUs. So they have OS dependencies. Maybe I am wrong in the above assumption, in which case I would really like to know.

No you are right. I didn't get that you weren't targeting single-core, I just thought you meant that no threading control was apparent at the Lua level.
