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We had the first such message back in March 2013 celebrating 250
entries, and the next one 5 months later celebrating 300 entries.
Another five months have passed and here we are, with 350 entries in
the LuaRocks repository! (that's 350 different things for which you
can run 'luarocks install thing'). Counting multiple versions of
projects in the rocks/ and rocks-scm/ repos, that totals 1185
rockspecs so far (this means 205 new rockspecs in the last 5 months).

This is another milestone showing that the community keeps growing and

Here's the updated evolution graph as of today:

The 350th project happens to be, by sheer coincidence, from a
colleague at LabLua: lua-parser is a module implementing a parser of
the Lua 5.2 language written with LPeg that generates an AST in the
same format as specified by Metalua.

If my script did it right, these are the 301st-350th projects to be
added to the LuaRocks repository:

Versium - A versioned storage API for Lua
SACI - Saci is a document-oriented hierarchical storage system
pdh - Lua binding to Microsoft Performance Data Helper (PDH) library
compat52 - Compatibility module providing Lua-5.2-style APIs for Lua 5.1
lua-channels - Go style channels in pure Lua
lice-lua - Command line license generator for Lua
Terminfo - access the terminfo database, like CPAN's Term::Terminfo
lua5.1.js-file-packer - A simple file packer tool for lua5.1.js
Readline - Interface to the readline library
ReadKey - simple terminal control, like CPAN's Term::ReadKey
StackTracePlus - StackTracePlus provides enhanced stack traces for Lua
zile - Zile Implements Lua Editors
cloud_storage - Access Google Cloud Storage from Lua
tuple - a tuple class for Lua
strictness - Tracks declaration and assignment of globals in Lua
CommandLineUI - Command-Line User Interface, like CPAN's Term::Clui
pe-parser - Portable Executable parser
luaproxy - A Lua proxy to access a Lua state from within another state
luafcgi - FastCGI Binding for Lua
lua_json - A Lua module for JSON
Lust - Lua String Templates
basexx - A base2, base32 and base64 library for Lua
modjail - Isolated global environments for Lua modules
cprint - An improved print function
etlua - Embedded templates for Lua
lua-templet - template preprocessor for text templates with embedded
Lua statements and expressions
LuaRocks - A deployment and management system for Lua modules.
bcrypt - A Lua wrapper for bcrypt
Void - Memory buffers that support typed accesing and cross thread transfer.
luatz - This is a lua library for time and date manipulation.
ihelp - Interactive Lua help.
mobile_detect - Mobile HTTP browser detection library
metalua-parser - Metalua's parser: converting Lua source strings and
files into AST
lzmq-auth - Module for ZMQ security authentication
csv - CSV and other delimited file reading
delaunay - Lua module for Delaunay triangulation of convex polygons
middleclass - A simple OOP library for Lua.
DataDumper - Converts a Lua value into its expression as a string.
mod11 - Modulo11 checksum calculator and verificator
literal - a library for safe evaluation of Lua literal expressions
readosm - OSM XML and PBF file reading through readosm
ljlinenoise - Line editing in pure LuaJIT
sha1 - SHA-1 secure hash computation, and HMAC-SHA1 signature
computation in Lua (5.1)
metalua-compiler - Metalua's compiler: converting (Meta)lua source
strings and files into executable Lua 5.1 bytecode
xml - Very fast xml parser based on RapidXML
lua-llthreads2 - Low-Level threads for Lua
lua-llthreads2-compat - Low-Level threads for Lua
sendmail - Simple wrapper around luasocket smtp.send
ljsyscall - LuaJIT Linux syscall FFI
lua-parser - A Lua 5.2 parser written with LPeg


-- Hisham