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Hi everyone,

I would like to announce a new release of Orbit, to synchronize it
with the latest releases of the Kepler stack, and pave the way for
full Lua 5.2 compatibility.

Orbit 2.2.1 - Orbit is an "MVC" web framework for Lua that makes it
easier to write database-backed WSAPI applications.
  luarocks install orbit

The rockspec will refuse to install if you are using Lua 5.2, as there
are parts of Orbit (Orbit pages and orbit.htmlify) that cannot be
ported to Lua 5.2 without breaking changes to the API. If you do not
use these features, you can install Orbit in Lua 5.2 by using
"luarocks install orbit --nodeps".

I would like to thank Ian McIntosh (@kognix), George Petsagourakis
(@petsagouris), Ryan Pusztai (@rjpcomputing), Alexey Lubimov
(@avlubimov), and Hisham Muhammad (@hishamhm) for most of the work
that made this release possible.

Fabio Mascarenhas