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On Jan 10, 2014, at 12:33 AM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:

> 2014/1/9 Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <>:
>>> What about natively supporting continue in an upcoming Lua version?
>> This has been exhaustively discussed here in the past and these discussions
>> have led to goto as a more general alternative. See the archives:
>> I appreciate that you are relatively new here, but I don't think we want to
>> go through all that again.
> It's still early in the New Year. Even Lua programmers don't yet have
> better things to do than building castles in the air.

Why do you consider a newcomer asking what he feels to be a legitimate question as “building castles in the air”?

The FAQ says the mailing list is “... a friendly and active one called lua-l. Everyone is welcome.” Perhaps we should all remember that there is no such thing as a dumb question...
