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[please forgive me if this isn't the appropriate place to discuss
Roberto's struct library]

Compiling struct in Windows works, accepting warnings about size_t ->
int conversions, which I normally ignore, but...

Running the provided test file in Windows 7 64bit, it fails here:

`assert(lib.pack('<T', -10) == string.char(256-10) .. string.char(255):rep(x))`

given the following minimal example:


local lib = require"struct"

x = lib.size("T") - 1

assert(lib.pack('<!T', 10) == string.char(10) .. string.char(0):rep(x))
assert(lib.pack('>!T', 10) == string.char(0):rep(x) .. string.char(10))

local str = lib.pack('<!T', -10)
local str2 = string.char(256-10)..string.char(255):rep(x)

print(x, #str, #str2)

for i = 1, #str do
  print(i, str:sub(i,i) == str2:sub(i,i),
    str:byte(i), str2:byte(i)

assert(lib.pack('<T', -10) == string.char(256-10) .. string.char(255):rep(x))


Output in WIN64 is:

7       8       8
1       true    246     246
2       true    255     255
3       true    255     255
4       true    255     255
5       false   0       255
6       false   0       255
7       false   0       255
8       false   0       255
lua: aas_test.lua:19: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'assert'
        aas_test.lua:19: in main chunk
        [C]: in ?

Output in OS X is:

7 8 8
1 true 246 246
2 true 255 255
3 true 255 255
4 true 255 255
5 true 255 255
6 true 255 255
7 true 255 255
8 true 255 255


...which is what one would hope for.

It appears as though the "other" half of the bits aren't getting masked.

Perhaps this behavior should be considered "undefined", given that
size_t is unsigned?

Does this point to a fundamental problem with using struct on 64bit
Windows, or to an edge case that I should be aware of, but not fearful
