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On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 10:06:05PM +0000, Sir Pogsalot wrote:
> Well, when I was talking about this in #lua on Freenode I imagined a
> scenario where someone would break out of a sandbox to get at
> debug.setmetatable() and then cause a segfault.  I was just trying to get
> across the point that I'd rather have someone get at os.exit() than cause a
> segfault -- as you may have atexit() or on_exit() handlers or some other
> form of cleanup you want to happen.  A segfault kind of prevents that..

Stop there.

If an attacker in your sandbox can get at debug.setmetatable() then
there are a billion ways you have already lost.

And a segfault leaves you a debugging trail that lets you see what
happened that os.exit() does not.
